Temple Beth El
Charlotte, North Carolina
Chapel and Sanctuary Stained Glass Fabrication
Project Journal
January 12, 2011

Arriving at Temple Beth El
Jim Belchur and Niko unload crates of stained glass windows

Setting up the tools in the Chapel

The chapel window configuration before the installation Opening up the crates, in the Chapel Jim and Niko contemplate the new Ark
Dan Marshall drills stops for the chapel art glass installation Jim and Dan working on the installation of the main sanctuary ark door panels, in preparation for the Martin Luther King Shabbat celebration at Temple Beth El David helps in the installation of the sidelight panels for the chapel
Raising the center transom panel into place Three sidelight panels Jim and David set a sidelight transom panel
Temple committee members, Ben Benson, Jonathan Howard and Brian Hoffman drop by the chapel Niko works on touch ups for a sidelight transom panel Jim Belchur, Niko Vancourt Steffen and Dan Marshall
David makes adjustments to the size if a panel Michelle and Jim work on the layout for the raised metal lettering Niko and Michelle set a sidelight panel in the chapel
Niko cleaning the inside of the center transom window The installation crew Michelle and Jim set the raised metal lettering on the main sanctuary ark
Jim, David and Michelle set an ark door panel in the chapel Jim works on the raised metal lettering for the chapel ark Dan Marshall making adjustments to the rebar on one of the chapel ark doors
Setting the second ark door The gold leaf of the Ten Commandments on the chapel ark doors The main sanctuary ark doors
Rabbi Judy Schindler preaches in front of the main sanctuary ark doors on the Martin Luther King Shabbat Celebration The Martin Luther King Shabbat Service  

Copyright ©2010 Plachte-Zuieback Art Glass