Beth Chaim Congregation
Danville, CA

Stained Glass Window
Project Journal
October 12 , 2007

Barndt's welding

Larry Barndt
Steel fabricators prepare the arched transom frame for delivery


Larry Barndt checks the sidelight frames for defects
Fine tuning the steel
Striking out the blemishes
Sidelight frames are prepared for final inspection
Sidelight frames are straightened to perfection
Loading the truck Larry Barndt with David and Michelle
Loading the truck for delivery of the steel frames
Larry Barndt, steel fabricator stands with David and Michelle upon completion of the steel work.
Larry and Mike

Larry Barndt and Mike Solari of
of Barndt's Welding and Steel Fabrication
in Santa Rosa, Ca.

Copyright ©2007 Plachte-Zuieback Art Glass