Adat Shalom Synagogue
Farmington Hills, Michigan
Concept for the Shiffman Chapel Stained Glass
March 12, 2006
Aron Detail
This central section of the composition will be visible only when the Aron is open. The lowest sphere, Malkut, if visible and a little glimpse of part of the ninth sphere, Yesod. The paths which connect these sefirot, in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life are also visible, suggesting the letter "shin." Fire, the symbol of Holiness bursts from Malkut. A stylized hand stands behind the flame, symbol of the hand of G-d and the hand of Man. Sparks fly from the broken vessel, each emanating it's own vibrations. A passage of text connects Man, G-d and the idea of Holiness.

Copyright ©2006 Plachte-Zuieback Art Glass